One thing is inevitable, if you're lucky you'll be getting older.
I say lucky because the alternative to getting older is...well... a LOT worse! :)
So, you've got a choice to make, are you going to just plod along and assume that you have to deteriorate with each passing year, or change your mindset and improve physically?
A positive physical change can enhance everything about the quality of your life, not just your appearance. It can have a dramatic improvement on your energy level, self confidence and any health risk factors you may have, so this isn't just a superficial change, it's not just about how you look in your bathing suit on vacation.
I try to look at every birthday as an opportunity to set goals to continually improve. I want to be stronger and more fit in every way.
This makes each year, and in fact each day, an exciting challenge to embrace and look forward to rather than something to dread.
If you've allowed yourself to get into a rut of being overweight and sluggish, ask yourself "Is this the path I want to continue on?"
There was a time where I had to ask myself this same question. I was about 50 lbs heavier, my self esteem and energy were at an all time low, and I knew I had to make a choice.
The irony is that I was only 27 years old at the time.
Thanks to the inspiration of a friend who was into resistance training at the time I started on a path that I've continued to this day.
All it takes is small steps to start making changes in a positive direction.
It doesn't have to happen all at once.
Just start with eating one less unhealthy thing each day and replace it with something healthy (or just eat less of that unhealthy thing).
Just start moving more in your day to day life, eventually you can build a more structured exercise program into your week, the first step is just getting started.
It's really all about having a proactive mindset.
So "Are you going to continue to just grow older or are you going to get better?"
Truly, the decision is in your hands.
2009 Scott Fishkind Time4You Fitness
Please visit my website at
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